Our Mission

MISSION Statement
Character Co-op is a Christian based support group whose purpose is to assist like-minded home
school families. With a focus on academic excellence, the Character Co-op provides classes
with a Biblical world-view emphasis. Parents involved in Character Co-op strive to assist each
other to provide quality replacement courses. Character Co-op was created to accomplish the following:
1. To provide teaching assistance for parents of upper grade level students for those subjects
they are uncomfortable teaching.
2. To establish accountability for students with a variety of adult instructors.
3. To give students opportunities to develop responsible behavior in the completion of
assignments and class projects when due by using a structured syllabus.
4. To give students an opportunity to participate in activities that are difficult to accomplish
in a home setting such as: public speaking, classroom discussions, participation in
science labs and experiments, as well as group project participation towards a common
In addition, it is the desire of the current Co-op board to have as a goal for parents to assist each
other in the character training of one another’s children in the following ways:
1. Lovingly use every opportunity to encourage Godly behavior.
2. Lovingly and discreetly confront and Biblically instruct children when they exhibit
ungodly behavior.
3. Have the mind set that failures and successes are “teachable moments” in which we have
the opportunity to train a child in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord”.
4. Communicate to a child’s parents specific concerns about any inappropriate behavior
with an attitude of confidentiality and trust.
5. Graciously accept concerns about their own child’s behavior Character Co-op has a governing board comprised of co-op moms. The board exists to uphold the purpose, academic standards and family covenant of Character Co-op. The desire of the board is not to interfere with your family and the way you choose to parent or homeschool. The board need only be concerned about what affects the co-op’s purpose, academic standards, and student covenant. The board, if necessary, will carry out the discipline of our covenant. A signature on the student covenant indicates an agreement to abide by Character Co-op board decision on all discretionary matters relating to Character Co-op standards of expectations.