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Financial Agreement

I understand and agree that I am financially responsible for one full year of classes at Character Co-op Inc.  I agree to pay for the entire year ($440) according to the schedule below.


  • A $25 application fee is due at the interview. This is applied to your nonrefundable deposit upon acceptance.

  • A nonrefundable deposit of $100 (minus the $25 application fee) is due by March 31st.  This is applied to tuition.

  • A total of 50% of tuition ($220) is due by April 15.

  • 100% of tuition ($440) is due by May 14.


I understand that high school classes may be an extra cost shared by high school families, if outside teachers are hired.


I understand that I will not be refunded any paid tuition after April 15 and prior to that I will only be refunded the tuition fee excluding the nonrefundable deposit. 

Thanks for submitting!

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