This covenant is to ensure a safe, uplifting, and academic environment while attending Character Co-op. This covenant is for all families enrolled in Character Co-op for the school year.
Opening and Devotions
All members must attend opening at 8:30 a.m. In the spirit of cooperation, we want to come together in unity to begin our day with God’s Word.
Expectations for Attending Class
All students will be in their seat and ready for class to begin on time, including first period.
If a student needs to move classes/grades, the parent should first speak to the teachers involved, then bring the need to the board for discussion.
Student Dress
The way we, as Christians, present ourselves to those around us reflects who we are in Christ. Our overall appearance should be a reflection of our hearts. Any type of dress code is meaningless if our hearts are not in the right place in our desire to please and obey God as well as respect others. I Samuel 16:7 says, “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Therefore, we are to honor God in our appearance as it relates to the Biblical standards of modesty. It is a matter of the heart.
There is an appropriate way to dress for church, athletics, etc. So, too, there is an appropriate way to dress for the various functions of co-op. Character Co-op’s objective in its dress code is that students understand the need for neat and modest attire. The goal of modesty is to dress in a way that does not offend or tempt anyone. This is not a matter of rules and regulations but our desire to draw attention to our hearts and not our bodies.
All clothing that fits this description of modesty is acceptable. Parents should set the example for what their children should wear. All students should dress neatly and modestly according to the following guidelines. These guidelines apply to all ages.
1. Skirts and dresses should come to just above the knee. A good measurement is nothing above 3 inches from the top of the kneecap.
2. Shorts length should come to fingertip. No running shorts.
3. Tops need to cover the back, midriff and chest area. No tank tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, or halter tops are allowed. Sleeveless and cold-shoulder shirts are permissible as long as no undergarments are shown.
4. Undergarments must be worn and not visible.
5. No clothing with inappropriate messages (logos, emblems, phrases, etc.).
6. No clothing with holes showing skin at fingertip point. Worn areas on jeans are permissible above fingertip point, but skin cannot be shown.
7. Leggings may be worn but with tunic / dresses that come just above the knee.
8. Shoes must be worn at co-op unless temporary permission is given by a teacher.
The above are only guidelines and not meant to be an exhaustive list of dos and don’ts. They are intended to offer structure when making decisions as to what is acceptable for co-op attire. We hope these guidelines reflect our standards and earnest desire to dress modestly. If an outfit is questionable, please err on the side of conservatism. In the spirit of unity, these guidelines should be followed by all members of Character Co-op on co-op days and at co-op social functions.
If the guidelines or the spirit of modesty are not upheld, the student and parent will be addressed by a board member. If the attire worn to co-op or a co-op activity is not deemed appropriate, the student will be expected to return home to change clothes. Transportation will be handled by the parent of the student. The student will be responsible for any classes and assignments missed while this occurs. If this occurs more than once, the parent will be asked to meet with the board. If dress continues to be an issue that cannot be resolved, the board will determine the action that needs to be taken to best serve the co-op and the family.
Following are guidelines of appropriate conduct for all members:
1. Respect those in authority. Romans 13:1 states, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.”
a. Speak respectfully to teachers and classmates.
b. Come to co-op with a spirit of cooperation.
c. Do not back talk, disrupt the class, or disobey a teacher.
2. Do not use foul or offensive language, or language that is abusive toward others.
3. Do not cheat. This includes plagiarism, copying another student’s work, or referring to the teacher’s answer key without supervision. Lev. 19:11 says, “Do not steal, nor cheat, nor lie to one another.” Each student is expected to do his/her own work on all tests, projects, and assignments.
a. On the first offense of cheating, the student will receive a zero on the assignment on which the offense
i. If another student supplied answers, his/her assignment will also receive a zero.
ii. The teacher will inform the board and speak with the parent(s) to determine preventative procedures for the
iii. If it is determined that cheating has occurred for quite some time in a particular class, it will be handled as a
first offense when caught. However, the student may still need to drop the class if he/she is unable to catch
up to the class due to lack of knowledge of material previously presented.
iv. The student(s) will also be placed on Academic Probation.
b. If there is a second cheating offense during the student’s enrollment in co-op, the student will receive a zero for
that quarter in that class, and the student will be expelled.
4. Do not gossip, lie, exclude, hurtfully tease others, or use mean spirited remarks. Ephesians 4:29 says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
5. Include other students in your conversations and activities.
6. Electronic devices should only be used for educational purposes while in class and ONLY at the discretion of the individual teacher. Any adult has the right to confiscate an electronic device that is being used inappropriately and return it at the end of class or the end of the day.
7. Parental permission is needed in order for a student to leave the co-op (church) grounds for any reason.
8. If a student is habitually delinquent or continuously turning in failing work for two weeks without reason (i.e. vacation, etc.), the teacher will notify the parent and the board leader, and the student may be placed on Academic Probation. If the student is not striving for excellence and the situation does not improve within two weeks after notification, the board will make a decision on the student’s ability to continue in class and co-op.
Responsibility Toward Church Property
As guests of the church, the students and parents of Character Co-op agree to abide by these additional rules desired of us by Castleton Christian Church. The purpose of these rules is twofold: Respect for the church that allows us to use its facilities and recognition that this is God’s house throughout the week and not just on Sundays.
1. There is to be no smoking, alcohol, or drug use in or on church premises.
2. Food and drink is restricted to the gymnasium, any approved rooms, and outdoors.
3. Physical and / or recreational activities are to be restricted to the gym and outside. This includes any activity requiring running, jumping, throwing, etc. No balls of any type are to be used in any area within the building except for the gym.
4. Use common sense in the gym. Destructive behavior will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to: intentional throwing of a ball at a window or light, kicking a basketball, volleyball or other large object, damage to or misuse of any equipment or the facility.
5. Hanging onto the rim after dunking a basketball is a safety and insurance concern. If you are caught doing this, you will lose your basketball privileges for the year.
6. There is to be no running, tag games, chasing, screaming, yelling, etc. in the halls before, between, or after classes.
7. Slamming of doors and slamming into the doors will not be tolerated.
8. Only rooms approved by the church may be used by co-op parents / students.
9. Use of all church equipment is to be done appropriately and only for its intended use.
10. Use common sense and good judgment when in the church remembering that we are guests and wish to continue to use this facility. Everyone’s behavior matters!
11. No one is allowed past the double doors beyond the library / nursery area.
12. In the event there is damage to the church building or its contents, repairs will be made by the particular co-op member who causes the damage, to the satisfaction of Castleton Christian Church.
13. The students and parents of Character Co-op agree to abide by any additional guidelines or rules desired of us by Castleton Christian Church.
Field Trips and Extracurricular Activities
We are representing Character Co-op, homeschooling, and Jesus Christ when we are on field trips. Therefore, the Student Covenant will be honored during all co-op related activities. Expulsion from Character Co-op: The following items will result in a student’s expulsion from the co-op:
1. Smoking, drinking, or drug involvement on church property or on any co-op related field trip. We are to be vessels of honor at every occasion and represent the character of Christ in our bodies.
2. Cheating / Plagiarism – 2nd offense during co-op enrollment.
3. Habitually delinquent or failing work as mentioned in the Conduct section and the Academic Probation Policy.
4. Continued disrespect for teachers and peers.
**The Character Co-op board reserves the right to expel any student who violates the above guidelines or who commits any other serious offense. All expulsion decisions will be made on an individual basis at the board’s discretion.
Conflict Resolution
Because each of us is a sinner living in relationship with other sinners in a fallen world, there will be conflict at some point in Character Co-op. Conflict is an opportunity to glorify God. Therefore, each student and parent agrees to work things out biblically, including abiding by the Peacemaker’s Pledge:
Any claim or dispute arising from or related to participating in Character Co-op activities shall be settled by mediation and, if necessary, legally binding arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation of the Institute for Christian Conciliation, a division of Peacemaker® Ministries (complete text of the Rules is available at Judgment upon an arbitration decision may be entered in any court otherwise having jurisdiction. The parties understand that these methods shall be the sole remedy for any controversy or claim arising out of this agreement and expressly waive their right to file a lawsuit in any civil court against one another for such disputes, except to enforce an arbitration decision.
By signing below, I state that I have read the Family Covenant, will keep my covenant with Character Co-op by following the guidelines set forth, and will honor and obey them with God’s help and to the best of my abilities. When I am corrected, I will accept my discipline in the spirit of love and seek forgiveness. A signature on this Family Covenant indicates an agreement to abide by co-op board decisions on all discretionary matters relating to co-op standards of expectation.