As stated in its mission, the purpose of Character Co-op is to provide academically rigorous classes within the framework of a Christian worldview and with a focus on academic excellence. Furthermore, Character Co-op was created to make students accountable to adult instructors and to develop responsible behavior in the successful completion of assignments.
While it is not the board's desire to interfere with a family's homeschooling philosophy, the board is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the co-op. When a student struggles to meet academic expectations and/or to exhibit appropriate behavior toward schoolwork, the student will be placed on academic probation. Academic probation is a trial period during which the student can redeem his/her poor performance. It is the board's desire to show every student on academic probation Christian love and support. During the probation period, the student will be closely monitored by his/her parents, co-op teachers, and the board to help ensure improvement.
Students will be placed on academic probation for any of the following offenses:
Earning a percentage grade below 70% in two or more classes during one quarterly grading period
Being habitually delinquent in completing assigned schoolwork
Being disrespectful toward teachers and/or peers
Cheating- first offense (the second offense is cause for immediate expulsion)
Plagiarism- first offense (the second offense is cause for immediate expulsion)
While on academic probation, students are expected to: ​
Make continuous academic improvement
Attend Character Co-op with an enthusiasm for learning
Complete all assignments by the assigned due date
Interact with teachers and peers respectfully and appropriately
Ensure that each of his/her teachers completes a line of the Weekly Report Card each week for nine continuous weeks
Submit a completed Weekly Report Card to the board leader each week for nine continuous weeks
Accompany his/her parent to a board meeting every two weeks during the probation period
The goal is to see each student restored to good academic standing. After the completion of nine weeks, if the board feels that the student has displayed the pattern of behavior necessary for academic success, the student will be removed from probation. However, if significant improvement is not realized during the probation period, the student will remain on probation. If the student is on probation for more than eighteen weeks in a single school year, the student will be expelled from Character Co-op for the remainder of that school year. ​